Phase I.

Problem: Undefined and inflexible data storage

The information and parameters required for surface treatment of the products in the plating plant of Cromkontakt Ltd. were recorded in an A4 size booklet.

  • In the booklet, each item was recorded manually, which was against getting a better overview

  • The production booklet has been heavily depreciated over the years, and its destruction posed a significant risk.

  • The data in the booklet was not consistent with the data in the company’s cloud-based Zoho CRM system and made the administration more difficult and slow.

  • Finding a technological description of each product in such circumstances was a time-consuming process that has slowed down production.

  • Since the production booklet is not a universal solution, the task of finding the technological information needed for the production was in the hands of the plant manager, which created a bottleneck in production.

  • The manual illustration of the products in the booklet did not make it easy to identify the products.


As a solution, we chose digitalization. We have created a cloud-based online system that is fully synchronized with the company’s CRM data.

The system is directly accessible from the on-site tablet (s) and other computers, making the flow of information flow smoothly. With this solution, we have eliminated the depreciation of critical information, which posed a serious risk. To ensure secure storage of the data, a two-step authentication is used alongside the traditional password-user name combination. With the help of the intelligent search engine, finding the technological description of the products in the new system is no longer a challenge, even for a new employee.

As a result, the production process has become smoother and the production capacity of the company has increased. The burdens and tasks of the plant manager decreased. Employees produce and upload product photos to the system. This also simplifies product identification.

Advantages of the solution

  • Synchronized data storage (two-way sync between CRM system and production database)
  • Secure data storage
  • Available interface for several colleagues at the same time
  • Easy to view database
  • Depreciation-free environment, regular backup of data
  • Well-parameterizable search engine
  • Intelligent recommendations (for example: most frequently recorded items, recently used items)
  • Controlling arbitrarily shared data and permissions
  • Create customized reports
  • Input-Assisted Automations – Fill in the field with existing data automatically

This is the CEPLI.

 CEPLI is an abbreviation that combines the following terms:

CEPLI = “Central Production Library”.

What we needed to build CEPLI?

CEPLI is a custom-built application built using the Deluge script language built on the Zoho Creator application development platform. It is possible to use it from any browser, Zoho Creator application downloaded to the native android and iOS operating system.

The Zoho license used for this application is Zoho One.

We installed Zoho Creator on an Asus tablet at the site of Cromkontakt Ltd. to run CEPLI application. 

The tablet has been sealed with a waterproof case, as the surface treatment factory’s air conditions can cause acid and alkaline damage to the equipment.

Cost requirement:

Project time requirement:

II. Phase

Problem: Production Log inflexibility

In the galvanizing plant of Cromkontakt Ltd., the production of the currently produced production items has been logged in another A4-sized booklet so far. The production manager’s logging activity enables the production to run smoothly and optimally.

  • The use of the A4 booklet, although it was satisfactory over the years, was a time-consuming process.

  • The head of the plant had to make calculations continuously while keeping the list in order to record the depreciation of the degreasing devices and the progress of the production.

  • In the booklet, each item was recorded manually, which made it difficult to review

  • Continuous manual counting was a time-consuming process that meant extra labor costs for the business.

  • The counting done by the man also included the possibility of miscalculating, which posed additional risks to the business

  • The production journal has been severely depreciated over the years and posed a significant risk of its destruction.


As a solution, we have chosen to expand the already created CEPLI application.

Since the existing application contains the parameters of the products that go on the production line (price, surface, weight, etc.), we could easily create a log that automatically calculates and monitors the progress of production. The app is available online for the rest of the organization’s staff. For example, a customer relationship officer can see production, so she doesn’t have to interrupt the head of the site to respond to a potential telephone call about production progress. The program monitors the depreciation of individual plant equipment too.

Advantages of the solution:

  • Secure data storage

  • The interface is available for several colleagues at the same time

  • Easy to view database

  • No depreciation environment, regular backup of data

  • Parameterizable search engine

  • Smart recommendations, such as frequently used items, recently viewed items)

  • Controlling arbitrarily shared data and permissions

  • Create freely chosen report

  • Automatically fill in input fields with existing data

  • Traceability of asset amortization: usage counters 

This is the Production Log.

What tools did we use to make the Production Log?

“Production Log” is a custom-built application built using the Deluge script language built on the Zoho Creator application development platform. It is possible to use it from any browser, Zoho Creator application downloaded to the native android and iOS operating system.

The Zoho license used for this application is Zoho One.

Cost requirement:

Project time requirement: